Weird Week
Pembroke, Bermuda
Walked 10,502
Drink 2L water
Express gratitude
Virtual socializing
30m puzzling
Mindful breathing
Read 2h 52m
Currently Reading
Forging Hephaestus (Villains' Code Book 1)
Drew Hayes
I’m not sure if I’m alone in this, but this week has a weird feel to it. Maybe because after a fairly heavily social week last week, this week has been relatively quiet so far. Or maybe because I’ve been even more involved in the kids’ meetings this week, to the point where I feel like I’m back in school myself.
Or maybe it is just an effect of being another year older. :)
Things I’m grateful for:
- Getting a good sleep last night
- A nice day to walk to pick up the car
- That I have good friends
Written by Colin Bate