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Spring Ball

Well, last night was the annual Computer Science Spring Ball. The evening started off at 6:00pm at the Westin Hotel (here in Halifax) and technically ended at 1am, but considering I had to be at work, Mike and I bailed at around 11:30pm :) Dinner and dancing (quite possibly my two most favourite things (next to computers)) followed a reception.

Mike walked away with a thousand dollar cheque for his work with the study groups during the strike (which he deserved). Ladies, (if there are any reading this) you are not going to find a nicer, more stable guy than mike and everytime he goes to a formal event, they give him money. You can’t beat that. :) Or me, I’m a great guy too… ahh… what am I doing… anyway.

The long weekend was good, very relaxing, frought with a lot of nothing and sleeping. Oh well. I guess I was preparing myself for the fact that I only have a one day weekend next weekend. Bah. But it does mean more money for Colin in the long run. If anyone is interested, I get to take photographs of a conference that is taking place on campus this Thursday, Friday and Saturday - $20 an hour. Sweet deal. That’s my life in a nutshell. :P

Written by Colin Bate