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ISE Debacle

Bridges Hall, University of Reading

We have class again this week. Internet software environments, which is essentially a class on Java. However, of all the people that I know, not one of them knew where (or when) the class was this morning. Our usual source of information, Blackboard, didn’t have any information (that we could see) about the course. So after breakfast I called the program office and was told that the person who knew about our program wasn’t in yet. I left my cell phone number and eventually was called back. She said that the information was in Blackboard, to which I said that no one I had talked to could see that information. I asked her for the schedule for today and she said it started at 9am in the Meteorology building.

Great. At this point it was 9:30. So after informing as many people as I could via Skype, we headed over there. There was no one there except the professor. We went in and I explained the situation and we waited for more people to arrive. So we started around 10 instead and people continued to filter in for about an hour. I guess a number of other students simply went to the program office to find out about the location of the class, at which point I hope that they began to understand that there was a problem and that we didn’t have the appropriate information.

Written by Colin Bate