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Everything is data

Hamilton, Bermuda

I didn’t set out to write a data themed issue, but that is what happened with some well timed announcements and releases that came to my attention. I hope that everyone is well as we head into summer here in the northern hemisphere.

CockroachCloud logo or screenshot


CockroachDB has always intrigued me, and not just because of the name. When I first heard about it, it was still early days in the cloud database space and Cockroach was claiming full ACID compliance on a globally distributed scale with a SQL interface. And for free. At least the core was free for self-hosting. If you wanted enterprise features you paid for those. A familiar model in the open source database world. Now however they have a Cloud hosted service that has a forever-free tier. You get 5GiB on a shared server, but that is pretty good for a hobby application or a test server.

MontyDB logo or screenshot


Monty, Mongo tinified. MongoDB implemented in Python. Almost the exact opposite of a global cloud database, but no less useful. This library allows you to wrap a flat file with a MongoDB API. Or just in memory. Great for tests or other less sensitive applications, assuming you are using Python. But given Python’s continuing rise in popularity, maybe you are.

NocoDB logo or screenshot


Free & Open Source Airtable alternative. Turns any SQL database into a smart spreadsheet. Supports MySQL, Postgres, SQL server, MariaDB & SQLite. Sometimes it feels like apps are just things that get in the way between the user and the data they want or need. Not always, but if you can relate to that, then Noco might be a step in the right direction. Free and self-hosted.

Written by Colin Bate