Wrangler, .NET and Svelte
Hey everyone. Today is more an issue of updates, news and that type of thing rather than new tools and services. Just how things panned out. Stay safe!

Announcing .NET 6
.NET 6 is now available. It is easier to use, runs faster, and has many new features. Also Visual Studio 2022 is available as well.

wrangler 2.0
We’re excited to announce the second-generation of our developer tooling for Cloudflare Workers. It’s a new developer experience that’s out-of-the-box, lightning fast, and can even run Workers on a local machine. (Yes!)

Vercel welcomes Rich Harris, creator of Svelte
We’re excited to share Rich Harris, the creator of Svelte, has joined Vercel to make the Web. Faster. This is exciting as now Svelte has a full time leader.