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Valentines Day

heartI know that a lot of people find it to be a distasteful occasion, but personally I’ve always kind of enjoyed Valentines day. I don’t even have a particular reason, but ever since I was a kid, it brought with it a kind of excitement.

I remember those big books of Valentines that my mom would buy and you punched out the cards which were of various shapes and sizes. Some of them were benign — others a bit more evocative. In those younger years, you would give Valentines to everyone in your class whether you liked them or would rather jab the cutout cardstock into their eye. But you would give the largest and most suggestive to that special someone who made you feel different inside in a way that you weren’t yet old enough to understand. I think that Valentines Day changed for a lot of people in junior high or high school when the scene became a lot more political. Everyone had a social agenda and horimones raged to the detriment of many.

Call me a romantic, or maybe I just like a splash of red in the otherwise bleak February, but I personally don’t understand the overt hostility that many exhibit when the subject of Valentines Day is mentioned.

Written by Colin Bate