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The Final Score

Colin: 6 Halifax: 3.5

So, I finally got the hell out of my apartment and went downtown last night with the computer science pub crawl. Actually, except for sleeping and a very brief lunchtime visit, I didn’t spend much time in my apartment at all yesterday. Overall, the pubcrawl was fun, but I was tired (as usual) and didn’t quite make it to the finish line. I never did intend to go to the Dome but I actually bailed around 10pm after Pitchmans. Then I went to the Apple Barrel and then the Economy Shoe Shop (which was very busy) before I set out on my way home. Anyone who has walked downtown from the Dal campus is likely to know the “Tupper Wind Tunnel”. I must say, most of the points against me last night were gained in that 5 minute period then. I don’t think there is a scale for how cold that was. In any case, that is how it was and I’m sticking to it. Cheers.

Written by Colin Bate