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Sol y residencias

FAM, Leganés

Sol y residencias

I stand enjoying the sun in front of the modern residence building I call home.

The sun seems to always be shining in Spain. :) While I doubt that will last forever, the weather here is a mark improvement over Canada at this point in the year. A 10°C improvement at least. And the nice thing about where I am located is that it isn’t in Madrid, it is in Leganés, which is smaller and much cleaner I’m sure with respect to air quality. So instead of the haze that sat over Thessaloniki, I have crystal clear skies. Blue skies. Essentially in the suburbs of Leganés, the residence is near a park and there are plenty of places to walk, jog or simply sit out on the grass and enjoy the hot weather. I’m not sure if we will have all that much time for doing those things, because they are being up front about the fact that this term will be busy. Fortunately for me, some of the material is already familiar.

When there is a spare moment, I want to pick up some more athletic wear and perhaps start walking/jogging in the morning. Of course, I would need to get up earlier for that and I know from experience that is not that likely to happen. But terms are for making lofty promises to yourself that have little to no chance of actually materializing.

I still plan to add some more content about my last week in Greece, and I did get some photos up from my trip to Athens, but there are still more, but it takes time to both decide which pictures to publish and to write captions and to write witty little descriptions about the events that lead to the photos. So bear with me. Gracias.

Written by Colin Bate