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Road Trip 2003

Road Trip 2003 - Aug 8

Long Reach, NB

Well, I have just finished driving for about 5 hours today. Luckily we get a bit of a rest now. Chris is home and I am at my grandparent’s summer place. All is well and if this fog/overcast haze would lift and the humidity would drop everything would be perfect. But I guess you could say that it is better than exams. One thing that I have noticed though is that no matter what kind of great relationship you have with your family, things are never as easy as they are when you are on your own.

I have also managed to forget a good number of items so far. I definitely left my MiniDV tape in Halifax along with my sneakers - not a big deal for others, but me with my unnaturally large feet will have a problem replacing those cheaply if I need to. And last but not least I managed to forget my bathing suit at home - easier perhaps to replace other than the fact that finding a bathing suit that fits me is a once in a lifetime event.

The drive from Durham to St. Andrews was relatively uneventful. We left around 12:10 and arrived close to 5pm. We stopped for a stretch and a bite in Moncton (McDonalds) and then in Sussex for gas. My brother Adam and my cousin Andy were along with us for this leg of the journey. They reluctantly sat in the back of the cramped vehicle. Once we dropped off Chris in St. Andrews, Andy got into the front and Adam slept in the back. The drive here was also uneventful - we did get to cross the Westfield ferry though. And once we were on the Kingston penninsula and its winding roads, we definitely encountered the pile of dirt. This pile of dirt in the middle of the road that had like traffic lights on either side directing people across this narrow path that ran around said pile… it was really weird. Now for a relaxing evening.

Written by Colin Bate