Road Trip 2003
Welcome to our road trip. In case you were wondering who “we” are, we are Chris Power and Colin Bate. We are both computer science co-op students at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. This site is devoted to the road trip that we are taking in August of 2003. We are just finished of a four month academic term and we are starting a four month work term in the fall. This gives us about 2 weeks off that we clearly need to use to the best of our ability.
To have fun. The real intent of this trip is to have fun and try to enjoy the precious little time that we have between terms. Along the way we would like to be able to visit Canada’s Wonderland in Ontario, but we are open to wherever the road takes us. Along the way we are going to be tenting it as much as possible.
About this Site
As the computer geeks that we are, we are going to keep a website detailing our every move along the roadtrip. There will be photos and descriptions of different places and activities. The Itinerary is a rough plan of where and what will be happening next. This will likely be kept very vague as we won’t know ourselves too often. Details will tell you where we have already been and how far we have travelled. Things will move from the Itinerary to the Details page as they happen.
The logs, I think, are pretty self-explanitory. Each of us will be able to record our own personal thoughts and feelings so that we won’t be speaking for the other person. Another important thing to remember about the dates on this site is that they are Smart Dates. If one of the posts has today’s date, then it shows up as Today, likewise for Yesterday and Tomorrow. They are not static and if you have loaded the page on the current day, they are accurate.
Oh… and I apologize for Internet Explorer 5.x - it sucks with stylesheets and I don’t care enough to create workarounds. Use Opera, Safari, Firebird or some other good browser - IE 6 should be able to do it too. :P