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Rabbits rabbits

Bunnies outside my res room.

I’m sitting in the Chisel Lab at UVic right now and poaching some unprotected wireless. Of course, this is a research building, so odds are my packets are being harvested for nefarious uses. In any case, I’m able to get online and get my internet fix. The campus is quite beautiful – as you can see I found some of the bunnies. However I am going on a tour of the campus at 14:30 (18:30 ADT). The people I’ve met so far are great – I no longer have any apprehension about coming here for my Masters. Even the air smells sweeter, but that might have something to do with the huge amounts of flowers on campus.

So all told I am well. Breakfast was good once I figured out what the system was. I’m not sure how many people are staying on my floor, but I’ve only seen one other person since I checked in. The room is nice, and hopefully by tonight I’ll have my Internet setup so I can upload some photos of it.

Written by Colin Bate