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PHP Quebec 2004

If you have been to the PHP website in the past little while you might have noticed a link to PHP Quebec 2004. This is a conference which will be held in Montreal this coming March. It would mean missing a few days of school, but I imagine that one could handle that. If anyone is interested, the price for students is only $75. Of course the additional cost of making it to Montreal is also associated with that as well. I guess I should be careful in saying $75, that was the price for students this year, they don’t have the prices up for next year. I don’t imagine that they would raise it much if at all.

If anyone is interested in going, please let me know, as I am fairly certain that I will be going. I would love to get the university to pay for my trip, but I really doubt that will happen. I was going to fly, but if there was reason enough to travel by other means, please let me know. Also, if anyone knows anyone that I can stay with in Montreal, that would be great. Cheers.

Written by Colin Bate