Colin avatar

One Month

Pembroke, Bermuda

Walked 12,144
Drink 2L water
Express gratitude
Virtual socializing
30m puzzling
Read 1h 53m
Currently Reading

Alumni: Artorian's Archives #2

Dennis Vanderkerken Book cover for Alumni: Artorian's Archives #2

Well, here we are, the last day of April, and the last day of this challenge. I must say, it has certainly adjusted the way that I go about my exercise. I’m not sure if it is good or not, but most of these things were already habits. The only significant habit that has some out of this is writing about my day/experiences. And while it is a bit intrusive some days, it is also a nice distraction which allows me to take some time to reflect.

I’d say that is a win. I’ll try to keep it up. I’ll need to spend some time working on the site, but turning it into a generic social distancing wellness blog makes sense.

Also, there seems to be a plan for Bermuda to slowly head back to some form of normal over the next little while. I haven’t read all of the details yet, but when I get a chance, I’ll probably write about that.

Things I’m grateful for:

  • Source maps
  • Chrome dev tools
  • Screen sharing

And of course everyone involved in creating this challenge for the past month. I’m not really too concerned with the competition aspect for this one, because the real winner is me. Or you, or oneself… whatever.

I continue over on my General Wellness Log

Written by Colin Bate