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New Leaf Wellness Challenge

Pembroke, Bermuda

Welcome to my wellness log. Here I plan to keep track of my progress through a 21-day wellness challenge run by my employer from Tuesday, January 14, 2020 to Monday, February 3, 2020.

I will be continuing with my daily record keeping below. I will soon archive this page and provide a less competition oriented entry point.

A number of the challenges are daily, and I will record those in a series of daily logs below. However, some items are one-off for the whole duration, and I will attempt to capture those here. While this is a team event with a total of four of us in the New Leaf team, everyone gains their own points, with the idea that we all encourage each other.

New Leaf team logo

One of the themes of the challenge is getting rid of bad habits and making good habits. To that end, each day that you work toward doing one or the other will result in points. So in my case, I’m hoping to get rid of a habit and replace it with something better. I have a bad habit of raiding the cookie jar/chip cupboard after lunch (and other meals). Like most things in my life, it is a stress release, and I am attempting to stop that snacking. Instead, I want to try some breathing exercises and/or meditation to help with the stress. I will probably comment more about my progress each day, but I wanted to set the stage here.

Each day in the challenge was worth 17 points, they are linked here, each with details on the aspects of the challenge. I got full points every day.

Periodic and One-off Challenges

5 / 5
Cuddle! A photo of my son Noah and I below.

Noah and I

15 / 15
Washing a car or bike, either mine or someone else’s. Mine definitely could use it.

Me washing my bike

15 / 15
Volunteering an hour of my time. My brother has been asking about setting up a static blog site for a while, this was a great chance to deliver on that.

10 / 10
Cook and eat a healthy new recipe.

10 / 10
A set workout with a team member. I’m not going to reproduce the whole workout here, but it looks somewhat daunting for a guy my size. ;)

5 / 5
Dancing at the annual dinner on the 18th. Since I’m not attending, I’ll have to sort something else out. Matt and I got together for a board game as a social activity.

There are a couple of activities which are not daily, but which are not single events.

12 / 12
Eating lunch, away from my desk with at least one other team member, six times.

15 / 15
No alcohol from Sunday to Thursday. Since I don’t drink anyway, easy points.

Written by Colin Bate