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Mission: Successful

It is back to the grind after a weekend whirlwind excursion into Rochester to compete in the programming competition. I first of all want to thank our coaches again - Vlado Keselj, Tony Cox, and Marc Comeau. These three have put a lot of time and energy into making sure that everything ran smoothly this weekend for us and to speak nothing of the incredible training that they gave us to allow us to perform as well as we did this weekend. My guess is that most people don’t realize the type of training that needs to go into putting together a quality programming team. There are strategies that should be followed to ensure the best possible results. However, we don’t really do any of that - and we still have much to learn.

With that I would also like to extend absolute gratefulness to my teammates - Jesse Rusak and Chris Bebbington. Without them, I would not have found my way into this position - this is truly a team effort in every respect. I only hope that we can work together for next year and hopefully take this all the way to the Worlds. It would be a lot of work, but I for one am willing to put the effort into it. Thanks guys. I had a great time.

Written by Colin Bate