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I've said it before...

[end of cliché] However, this time I have plans and a system in place to make things work. I am going to be changing I will still be writing about stupid things that don’t mean much to anyone, but I am also going to be writing about web standards and their roles in web applications. I have been inspired by Dave Shea over at mezzoblue as well as Jeffery Zeldman who is one of the co-founders of a list apart which is a tremendous resource for web developers everywhere. I know I haven’t been doing a lot of work in the ‘professional’ circuit, but I have been designing for the web since I was 14 and I feel that I have seen the way certain things move in this industry.

Long story short… stay tuned. I’m not promising immediate results and maybe I am shooting myself in the foot by announcing too early, but good things will come… just you wait.

Written by Colin Bate