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I spend therefore iWork

Despite my lame puns, Apple’s newest foray into the software market entered my eager hands earlier this afternoon at a price that was more than reasonable. Obviously it was the academic version, so if you qualify as a student then you can pick up a copy at PCPC for $49. I’m not sure if they ordered any extra to have on stock, but if not in this initial order, than soon I would imagine.

I just finished piecing together a tiny presentation in Keynote 2. The experimental kind of slideshow that uses a different transition on each slide and makes unnecessary and gratuitous use of various features — although now that I think about it, I didn’t add a chart. If it is anything like any of the other features of Keynote, then it will be remarkably easy. I can’t compare Keynote 2 to the first version because I never used the original. I’ve seen older Keynote presentations and they were quite attractive — possessing a little bit of class over Powerpoint. Compared to actually creating a slide show with Powerpoint, there is no contest — Keynote is so much less cluttered and more intuitive. Even creating complicated animations within a slide (know in Keynote as builds)

Believe it or not, but I haven’t even opened Pages yet. I didn’t have enough time tonight and I didn’t want to rush my initial experience. From the screenshots that I have seen, I know that the interface is extremely similar to Keynote, which will make it far more easy to create complicated documents in — especially compared to Word. You can be certain that I will be saying more once I get a chance to iWork with Pages. Sorry again.

Written by Colin Bate