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Happy Thanksgiving?

If you hate me for not updating I will understand. I really have no excuse but for laziness. I’ve had a few “late night assignment episodes” but nothing too severe that kept me from updating in weeks. I seriously feel that my site needs a change soon. And it will if our newest idea pans out. Well, MY site won’t necessarily change, but there will be our site that develops into the forerunner of our communications. This site will outline any of our antics that we deem to be worthy of publish - and certainly those that aren’t worthy. I’m not going to give out any details because some of you out there are thieving whores and well… I just can’t take that chance. I mean, we already stole it from someone else, so that makes us likes like Apple Inc. — Do you really want to steal it from us and be like Bill Gates? No.

Glengary Pubcrawl Oct 2002

Since last I updated many exciting things have transpired including our Glengary pubcrawl. The event took place on September 27 and was a complete success. This was the first pubcrawl organized by Chris and I, but it definitely will not be the last. With great shirts that will be used for subsequent crawls and a great line up of pubs and clubs, this event will be hard to beat. But we are up to the challenge and still coasting on the success of our first crawl. There is more information including the line up and a link to the photo gallery available at my Glengary Pub Crawls page. Any future crawls will be announced there (and here) so keep an eye out.

More pubcrawl

The following week we were back at it again with the computer science pub crawl. This event was definitely not as well oiled as the Glengary crawl, but fun was definitely had here. We started it off with the standard Geek Beer which is now has a much cooler name: Zero Hour. I didn’t bring my camera for reasons I will mention in a second on the computer science pub crawl, so I will dazzle things up a bit with another shot from the Glengary crawl. After the zero hour, we wandered down to Your Father’s Moustache. The atmosphere was fine, I chilled out with mike for a bit, but it was obvious to see that there were definitely disjoint groups of people — the way it is when you crawl with a faculty not a residence group. Next stop was the Thirsty Duck, which I had never been to before, and probably never will be again. The drinks were expensive (for those who actually bought some) and the ambiance just didn’t really do anything for me. Then we went to Pacifico — at 10pm! So when we got there, not much was going on. So we danced our greasy dance of joy and then we headed out again. Our next stop was probably my favorite of the evening — the Mercury. The music was good and it wasn’t as busy as Pacifico. Plus there isn’t normally cover on Friday nights there, so Chris and I have found a new haunt.

From the Mercury we parted ways with the rest of the crew and headed down to Electropolis for the Soda rave. When we finally got in, I was quite impressed with the venue — definitely seeing why it was so popular. Jay Hamilton was on the decks when we got there which was good. Unfortunately I was feeling the effects of a full day of class and a pub crawl grab hold of me and drag me closer to a blissful slumber. So after an embarrasing 2.5 hours we left and headed to the Apple Barrel. Overall though I definitely had a great night.

ibookI have relenquished my iMac fetish for the simple desire of obtaining an iBook. After Chris’s recent acquisition of a Toshiba Satellite — I have determined that this game needs one more player. So I am on the lookout for a used iBook. One of those cool white ones. And before he has a chance to say anything, shut up K-man. Clearly some people don’t appreciate that I am in fact somewhat creative. But seriously.

So in closing, sorry about another long wait for new content and have a Happy Thanksgiving. I am going home this weekend, so I will miss all of the crazy festivities that I’m sure would happen if any cared, and probably will anyway — just because I’m not here.

Cheers, rhuvok

Written by Colin Bate