Colin avatar

FYI. Don't binge and fly.

Central London, UK

Well, the Canuck is out of Bermuda for the first time since last Christmas. This time heading eastward to the UK. This ends my longest continuous amount of time spent in Bermuda.

I flew on a Sunday which was a binge day as you probably know by now. However, looking back I should have moved it to Saturday this week. For a couple of reasons. I’m obviously out of my routine for the next couple of weeks, so shifting things around binge day-wise isn’t going to make much different. Plus Saturday was our annual summer fun day for work and I could have had access to a plethora of binge foods for free. And as it turns out, the normal stomach distress that accompanies binging combined with flying make for a potentially bad time. Fortunately I managed alright, but it could have been bad.

I’m here in the UK for a week and then off to Greece for a week and then back here again for the last week before returning to Bermuda. I’ll be sure to keep everyone up to date.

Written by Colin Bate