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Floor Warz

The date was Saturday February 16, 2002. The location was MicMac Mall in Dartmouth, NS. From 3 until 5pm breakdancers from all across the metro area assembled to showcase their talents and battle for the title of best break dancing school in an event known as Floor Warz.

Break dancersWith 5 groups entering, each team started off with a five minute demostration to seat the teams going into the team battles. Music was masterfully presented by Halifax’s Scratch Bastard and provided for an authentic feel to the whole event.

The groups were: The Vehicles of Mayhem, The Five Elements, Prince Andrew’s Omega, Prince Andrew’s Beta, and Synonymous with Anonymous. After the demonstration, my pick was with the two Prince Andrews teams, with an edge towards Beta.

More dancersBetween sessions, entertainment was provided by the Lokdown Crew, a group of excellent breakdancers from the region. Battles ensued with Vehicles of Mayhem up against Omega, and Five Elements up against Beta. From those we had two contenders for top spot - Five Elements and Omega. The competition was rough and the rivalry was intense. For another five minutes these two teams tried to out do each other with everything from impressive stalls and flips to obvious taunting. In the end though there can only be one winner. Congratulations go out to Prince Andrew’s Omega for winning this year’s Floor Warz.

And thank Floor Warz for giving me a reason to leave my apartment on a Saturday and get out and see some great performances. Cheers to everyone involved.

Written by Colin Bate