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Develop.Cheap - Issue #38

Hamilton, Bermuda

I hope this issue finds you in good health during this crazy time. I suspect very few of my readers have any problems practicing social distancing, and hopefully you can find something to occupy your time in the links below. Today we have a free course, some AWS news and an article on choosing Svelte. And I added a bonus review of a novel use of Lambdas.

Free JAMstack Tutorial logo or screenshot

Free JAMstack Tutorial

How to build fast, secure websites. You’ve heard me mention the JAMstack a number of times in this newsletter. This is a free, 3.5 hour course about building sites using that stack and also comparing it to other concepts you may be more familiar with. If you are serious about following web development into the future, this is something worth learning and this could be a good resource. I’ve not watched the whole thing myself, but it is done by Phil Hawksworth and I know he knows his stuff.

AWS HTTP APIs now generally available  logo or screenshot

AWS HTTP APIs now generally available

While the API gateway and REST APIs have been available for a handful of years, it is now possible to use a more general HTTP API product which is both more flexible and cheaper to use.

Why Svelte is our choice for a large web project in 2020 logo or screenshot

Why Svelte is our choice for a large web project in 2020

Yes, this is an article published as the README file of a GitHub repo. Respect. Also, some may know I’m a bit of Svelte fanboy myself, so it may come as no surprise to see this here. The article makes some very clear points about the pros and cons of using Svelte, and I recommend people who are interested in learning more about Svelte as a web framework take a read.

InfiniCache Review logo or screenshot

InfiniCache Review

A review of a paper describing using ‘stateless’ serverless functions as a distributed cache. It is an interesting read, as the underlying paper proposes and interesting idea.

Written by Colin Bate