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Collective thoughts from a lazy Saturday

I am going to reiterate my approval of Saturdays and all that they bring. Along those lines, I managed to make it out of my apartment a couple of times today and into society if that is what you want to call Spring Garden road. I was out bag shopping - trying to replace the broken one that is on the couch in my apartment.

At one point I was down in Park Lane Mall, visiting A&W. I like A&W. First of all, you have to like a place whose trademark product is root beer. That alone puts at the top of my list. But then I noticed another thing about them that I really liked. They don’t put ice in their drinks. It actually mentions it on the cup or I might not have noticed. They cite that the ice dilutes the pop and that “just won’t do”. I am a big fan of the no ice scene, mostly because you can get more pop if there is no ice in it. The watered down reason is also important as well so I can certainly appreciate what A&W does. When I was down there, waiting in line, I noticed the Dollar Store, which displayed a large sign saying “We sell Gift Certificates”. Now, maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think that gift certificates for the dollar store would be that great a gift. It just struck me as funny at the time.

As an unusual side note, I am wearing the pub crawl shirt for the Glengary pub crawl tonight. This shirt is red, which I’m sure is fine in an of itself, but a) it is hard to wash red clothes because they tend to weep and really should be done in a load by themselves. I don’t have many red clothes so this is hard because b) red is not a colour that looks good on me at all. Some people can pull it off, congratulations. I’m not one of those people. But instead of dirtying two shirts today I decided to wear this red monster out on the town. I had a hell of a time trying to figure out which of my clothes clashed with it the least. I finally found a combination that didn’t make me want to cut myself and headed out. When I was outside I made note of the occasional person that I saw wearing red shirts just to see what colour shorts or pants they were wearing. I passed this one person wearing a red shirt and maroon shorts - not something that I can do - what without the maroon shorts and all - but I made note of it anyway. I saw this guy when I was headed to the bookstore. Later (maybe 30 minutes) I was headed downtown, crossing Robie street when I passed maroon shorts again. Weird I thought, passing the same guy twice, going in different directions and on different sides of the street. Weird, but not unlikely. However afterr being downtown for an hour or two, I was walking back home when I passed the same guy again. This isn’t like having a similar class schedule and often passing the same person on campus, this was three random encounters on a Saturday. Anyway, not that it matters now. Now, I must nap… too much walking the past few days.

Written by Colin Bate