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Again once more

I am finding it exceedingly difficult to find the desire to do anything with my web site during the week. And the desire isn’t the big part, mostly that is due to the fact that I really don’t have that much time. Add on to that the lure of the “Two Towers” and my diabolo, then you have a terrible mess of me not getting any work done.

me and the diaboloI have found a new hobby/obsession in the art of the diabolo. The diabolo that I have now, technically belongs to my brother who acquired it during the annual Buskers Festival a few years ago. Therfore the string has taken some beating over the years and is now in pretty bad shape. Therefore in my quest to find some replacement strings online, I have managed to become quite drawn to the other products many of these sites offer. So I ended up ordering (in addition to 4 replacement strings) a Spintastic Spinabolo Jr. and a diabolo sling. The sling is simply a device that hold two diabolos and a set of sticks so you can carry them on your back. It was $10 US so I knew that I had to get one. So I’m sure that I will be letting everyone know when they arrive (in “2 to 3 weeks”) I have also started a diabolo page on my site so you can check my “progress” in mastering the diabolo there.

Now I’m off to take care of my weekly errands which includes buying some stuff to make some new handsticks for my diabolo. Cheers everyone.

rhuvok out.

Written by Colin Bate