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A different meal for me

Pembroke, Bermuda

Today was quite successful for me in terms of not eating anything bad and eating the appropriate good things. I generally go quite long between lunch and dinner, I’m not sure if that is going to be an issue. This concoction above was dinner, which I just finished not that long ago. It weighs in at around 59g of protein. Basic chicken thighs with black beans, peas and carrots. The chicken was BBQ’d which was nice. I had doused it quite liberally with Frank’s Red Hot Sauce as well as cayenne pepper and oregano. It tasted quite good, and this being the first time I’d BBQ’d chicken (or really cooked it at all) I was surprised that I didn’t burn it and yet it was cooked through.

Lunch was a large salad with turkey and avocado, along with chickpeas, kidney beans, olives, and a bunch of other veggies on baby spinach. This was topped with a balsamic vinaigrette. I can order this lunch into my office every day, so this will likely become my go-to weekday lunch. It is quite hefty and will hold me for over easily to dinner. Of course I usually eat dinner late because I work late, but my lifestyle from the last year or so has me quite comfortable with being hungry. I wonder if that is counter productive for this experiment.

I also bought a nice scale today so that I can weigh myself. It supposedly measures BMI and a number of other things, but I’m not sure how that works yet. You know that I’ll be posting those numbers once I start collecting them. Also expect to see a chart that shows my progress. Might spend some time this weekend whipping up a quick web app to allow me to easily add measurements online and have them update dynamically. We’ll see how ambitious I am.

Written by Colin Bate