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On the ferry, Aegina-bound. The ferry was not unlike those that run between Nova Scotia and PEI.
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Daniel, Sissi, and Pablo enjoy the ride. Daniel at least said he hadn't been on a ferry before.
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Our bags packed in the back of the Daewoo Matiz that we rented.
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The roads were tiny and winding on this equally tiny island.
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We eventually found our way in the right direction away from the coast.
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Water was never too far away on the island, the rocky landscape was quite beautiful though.
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Pablo and Sissi sat in the front, with Daniel and I confined to the back.
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Agios Nektarios in the heart of the island is the largest monestary of a large number on the island.
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Yes, I was actually there. (Photo credit: Daniel Perez)
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A look towards the south of the island from the site of the Temple of Apheas.
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The temple of Apheas, which was closed but we took photos from the fence. :)
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I remember thinking when on the roads here in grade 10 on a tour bus that they were a bit percarious for a large vehicle — make that any vehicle.
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I jump back to avoid getting soaked by the wave at my feet in a little game of "touch the water". (Photo credit: Daniel Perez)
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Our mark in the sand — 2006 QSDPCM
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Sissi sitting on what was without question a much nicer ferry than we arrived on.