What Day Is It?
Coast On Fire: The System Apocalypse #5
Tao WongThere are a lot of memes about people losing track of what day it is. I believe it, I know that while I know what day it is (don’t want to miss garbage day tomorrow!), I often lose track of how many days ago things have happened. Without the weekends as notable landmarks, it is very possible to become unanchored.
I forgot to mention earlier, but we seem to have had a bird move into the pipe coming from the vent in the bathroom. At first, we thought something got trapped in there, but it clearly can leave, and just today, I saw it fly off for the first time from the outside. The problem is there is no covering on the outside, it is just a gaping hole in the side of the house. There was a cover at one point ages ago, but it literally disintegrated. So today, I put up a (very) temporary flap to see if that helps. I’ll update as necessary, maybe even break out my borescope and see what is going on in there.
I received my first puzzle related compliment from someone who isn’t family or close friend. It is certainly encouraging.
Things I’m grateful for today:
- That people are enjoying my puzzle challenge
- That is got a proper night of sleep last night
- That we have a comfortable amount of water again