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Time Distribution

Pembroke, Bermuda

Walked 11,628
Drink 2L water
Express gratitude
Virtual socializing
30m puzzling
Read 1h 11m
Currently Reading

The Hanged Man

K. D. Edwards Book cover for The Hanged Man

I have noticed that even though I’m obviously spending more time at home at the moment, I’m spending less time reading than I normally do. There are a couple of reasons for that.

First, since I consume almost all of my books in audio format, I often listen to them while I’m walking to pick up my lunch (and eating my lunch as well), and really any time that I’m out on my own. All of those times are gone, and they add up.

The other reason is a bit more simple, if the book I’m reading is really engaging then I will listen to it rather than watching a movie or TV. Assuming I have a choice. I guess that is another factor, my kids have been staying up a bit later than usual, and I have less unwind time than normal.

Things I’m grateful for:

  • Rain to keep the tank topped up
  • That I bought some Easter candy before getting cut off from the stores
  • Modern medicine
Written by Colin Bate