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The way we work

Gilmore Station, Burnaby

I am in a Starbucks at the moment trying to read a book that I need to finish by Monday. As usual there a few arty types here with their Macbooks. Not that I have a problem with that, but I always find it interesting to see how other people use their Macs. How do they switch their apps? How do the configure their Finder views? Which browser? How well do they type?

Obviously one thinks that his own strategy is somewhat optimal. Anything to think about other than this book.

It is also one of the nicest days we have had in Vancouver this year. The high is 31 and I’m sure it is close to that now. Which is why I’m inside watching all of that from the relative cool of the coffee shop. Less sweating in here, not that I was spared earlier, but it is definitely a move slowly kind of day. Also I am still not a huge fan of Fedex, and continue to wish that Apple would switch to using UPS.

Written by Colin Bate