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System Apocalypse

Pembroke, Bermuda

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30m puzzling
Read 2h 53m
Currently Reading

Cities In Chains: The System Apocalypse #4

Tao Wong Book cover for Cities In Chains: The System Apocalypse #4

I’m not sure what it says about me reading an ‘apocalypse’ series in the midst of a global pandemic, but given the popularity of the old movies Outbreak and Contagion on Netflix, I guess I’m not the only one.

I just finished the fourth book in the System Apocalypse series, and while, the whole series so far has taken place in Canada, this particular book had some scenes in Vancouver, in particular the Metrotown Mall in Burnaby, where one of our offices is located and I worked for almost a year. It is always neat to read a book that is set somewhere you know well.

If anyone is interested in picking up a book or two (or nine) while stuck at home, and you have an interest in action stories, I would recommend this series. It isn’t quite as gamey as other LitRPG series, and if you fancy the audiobook versions, the narration is great.

In other news I fixed my puzzle, and then spent a bit more time improving the last part of it. Overall I’m quite happy with the results, and I still have my guinea pigs elite test team working through it.

Things I am grateful for today include:

  • Good books
  • Cartoons
  • Leftovers
Written by Colin Bate