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Sometimes an elevator smells like an elevator.

But not today. Today it smelled a little minty. Almost medicinal - like a balm or something. But that is neither here nor there.

I am currently watching the crew across the street pour concrete for the foundation of the building and I must admit that it is kind of mesmorizing.

The Spring Ball last night was really fun. As usual I got my groove on to a point were I was dehydrated and tired and then bent over and paid $2.25 for a tiny bottle of water. The evening was magical and I was glad to be able to chat with some old friends and obviously my current friends. I was also glad to win the Bronze Award for third highest academic ranking in third year. It added a little coin to my pocket and I can’t say that I wasn’t pleased about that. All told it was a great time and for those who missed it… well… I got nothing for you.

Written by Colin Bate