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Query temporal data and other fun tricks

Hamilton, Bermuda

Apologies, I missed last week. It was a holiday weekend in Bermuda (both the Thursday and the Friday) and I completely forgot to prepare in advance. However, here we are with an assortment of tools and services that you may find useful.

QuestDB logo or screenshot


QuestDB is an open source database designed to make time-series lightning fast and easy. It exposes a high-performance REST API, supports PostgreSQL wire protocol and can be natively embedded in Java.

Cloudflare Workers Announces Broad Language Support logo or screenshot

Cloudflare Workers Announces Broad Language Support

Today, we’re excited to announce support for Python, Scala, Kotlin, Reason and Dart. You can build applications on Cloudflare Workers using your favorite language starting today. This is good news for those not interested in using JavaScript, C or Rust. Interestingly it works by compiling the new languages into JavaScript. I’ve blogged about Cloudflare Workers before, and if you haven’t used them, I will say they are very pleasant to work with.

Skypack logo or screenshot


Everything on npm, delivered directly to your browser. This service was previous known as pika CDN, and it allows you to access the contents of npm directly from your browsers as ES6 modules. As modern browsers improve and standards like HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 allow for better management of multiple resources, tools like Skypack can help reduce the need for a build step in your web projects.

Written by Colin Bate