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One of three

That was Srini-riffic. And the third last undergraduate exam I will ever have to write. :) Of course I am talking about the Network Communication exam that I wrote at 3:30 this afternoon. As is Srini’s style it was long and thorough, but not too stressful.

After my exam, my mother who was in town stopped by and — after talking my brother and I out to supper — took some of my boxes of junk off my hands. And these were the half dozen boxes of stuff that I really didn’t need here — and although it is a bit more tidy in my room, it likely won’t look any cleaner until I get the crap off my desks.

And in celebration of the holiday spirit and because I can’t really decorate my room, I have decided to decorate my website. I realize that I just changed the design, but as you can see - a standard compliant website is much easier to tweak on a global sense. I didn’t have to change any of the templates, just the style sheets.

Written by Colin Bate