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NSERC I learned today that my application for an NSERC PGS M was accepted. This means that I have a bit of flexibility as far as my graduate degree goes. The one thing that I must mention to dispel the confusion that some of my friends and family have — the NSERC scholarship must be tenured at a Canadian University. I can’t use it for the Erasmus Mundus program if I were to be accepted. I will speak to the Erasmus Mundus program more tomorrow perhaps. However, my options are open and I do have some serious thinking to do. While I do love Halifax and Dalhousie, I’m not certain whether or not I want to stay here. And if I do stay here whether I want to continue in the same vein that I have been.

Many of these are the same questions that plagued me just after Christmas when I finished my undergrad degree. Only now I have pretty much removed actually getting a job from the equation. One way or another it looks like I’m getting a Masters degree — whether it is from Dalhousie, the University of Victoria, the University of Reading or somewhere in between is yet to be determined.

Written by Colin Bate