New Leaf: Day 22
Absolution (Viridian Gate Online Alchemic Weaponeer #2)
N. H. Paxton
OK, I know that this challenge is now over, so this isn’t for any sort of points, other than points in my own mind. I’ve found the act of tracking and updating these things publically has provided good motivation to form these positive habits.
Over the next weeks, months, sometime, I will probably change the format of this site, and possibly merge it in with my other content. It was a great excuse to learn more about Eleventy, which is the static site generator I’m using for this site. I think it is more pleasant to use than Hugo (which I use elsewhere) in some ways, but it isn’t nearly as fast, or provide as much out of the box.
Also, I wanted to mention that throughout this challenge, I have finished 13 novels in the Viridian Gate Online extended series. That was a total of 69 hours and 8 minutes of reading (listening), which equates to about 13.7% of the total amount of time.
Anyway, today I am grateful for:
- Audiobooks
- Getting to know colleagues better
- Getting better at organizing my work