New Leaf: Day 16
Firebrand (Viridian Gate Online Firebrand #1)
J. D. Astra
Sometimes, there is nothing scarier than a blank page. I have definitely fallen prey to one on a number of occasions. That can be true whether you are writing, drawing, painting, coding or any number of other creative activities.
Just before this challenge started, I re-kindled an interest that I’ve had for a while, but never had much chance to dabble with, and that is drawing/illustration. I’m still finding my style you could say, but since getting an iPad with an Apple Pencil, I have had the opportunity to explore that side of my creative mind. And, I find it incredibly theraputic. However, it isn’t always easy to just create on demand, and not everyone has the desire to draw something from scratch. But I suspect at one time or another in childhood, each of us has done some colouring.
Adult colouring books are a very trendy thing at the moment. Honestly, apart from the artwork being a bit more technical and a bit less childish, they aren’t really different than the colouring books we grew up with. Break out the crayons! Or coloured pencils, or markers, or whatever. And while there is nothing like the feel of pencil on paper, it isn’t always convenient. And as we are all slaves to convenience now, there are apps for the phone and tablets which allow you to color.
There are a lot of them in fact. Most offer some free content, but unfortunately want you to pay a subscription for additional content. But, if you find it helps you reduce your stress, then it could be a small price to pay. You could probably even find a way to print it out and stick it on the fridge.
I was originally going to list a bunch, but honestly, I don’t have any strong recommendations. Here are a couple, but searching will yield you many more:
Anyway, I digress.
Today I am grateful for:
- Adult colouring books :)
- Family
- Friends