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My little piece of Greece

Arrianou, Thessaloniki

I am now moved into my first ever apartment in a foreign country. Up until this point, I have lived in a university residence and a hotel – not including time spent with relatives. Now I am a tenant in an apartment (albeit a short term tenant). I can see why I am paying an extra 100€ per month to live here – my apartment is a fair bit bigger than Daniel’s. Functionally they have the same things in them, but I have a bit more space. And while I enjoy having the extra space, I’m not so sure I really need it. I only come back to my apartment to sleep and I spend most of my waking time at the university. But now that I have a desk to work on in my apartment, I might feel more inclined to do work. As long as I don’t need it, I find that the internet just proves to be a distraction.

One other thing I think that I should clarify, but I suspect will be clear once you see the photos, is that my apartment is more of a room than anything else. Essentially what in Canada would be called a bachelor apartment. Only I was spoiled in the one bachelor I lived in which was both bigger and better furnished. However, this “studio” apartment is all that I need for the two months I have left. Wow. Only two months left. I really don’t know what we’ve been doing for this past month, but it has raced by. I suspect that the remaining almost two months will also slip by pretty quickly.

Written by Colin Bate