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FAM, Leganés


One of two rounds of these tasty little sandwiches.

After discovering a place called Cerveceria 100 Montaditos while in Valencia and realizing it was a chain of restaurants, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I headed there again. Today was that day. At least, the first trip back in Madrid. The concept of this place is that there are one hundred different fillings you can get for a little sandwich, which are called Montaditos. You order by filling out a card with the choices you make along with your drink order and you leave a name. You hand this in and pay and you are given your drinks. A short while later they will call your name and you can pick up your plate of sandwiches, garnished with a pile of chips (crisps, not fries).

The thing is these sandwiches aren’t very expensive – only 1€. At least they were in Valencia. The particular store we went to near us charges 1.20€ each. Not very significant if you order three or four, but when you want more, it can add up.

In our case tonight there were five of us (and each of us from a different country) and we were eating this as our dinner. So we started off with a round of three sandwiches and a drink each. It is this round of fifteen sandwiches which is pictured above. The interesting part of the meal is after receiving your order, trying to figure out which sandwich is whose.

It was a nice break from the usual cafeteria dinner and a chance to get out and do something fun with my friends.


Written by Colin Bate