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Living in Spain

Bridges Hall, University of Reading

I figure it is about time that I mentioned that I have secured a spot to live on campus in Spain. One of 4 single rooms that were available. There is a virtual tour of the room (which requires Java), and if you follow the links on the left side of the page, there are tours of a couple other choice locations. Lets just say that these rooms put to shame anything that I have seen in residence rooms before. They are fully catered and also command a hefty price tag. They are going to cost about the same as my accommodation in Reading – which I can manage without a problem, but I was expecting a cheap ride in Spain. Nenad (who has another of these single rooms) and I are still considering the possibility of getting an apartment, especially considering that if we stay for our dissertation, we will be here for about a year.

Living in Spain for a year, who knew? :)

Written by Colin Bate