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Introducing: omikron

I have finally done it - I have redesigned Unfortunately this isn’t going to be a 100% transition right now, but I thought that I would change the front page and see what people thought about the new look. For the time being, the forum and other pages on the site will remain looking like the old version of the site, which I had previously dubbed lambda. This version, called omikron is quite different - much more modern.

Obviously the redesign is table-less as is the layout standard these days. I am pretty sure there are some issues with my shadows on the right hand side of page with IE, but at this point, I don’t really care. This page also treats those users using Safari to a little bit of CSS 3, but no one is missing any content. There are also provisions and plans for a software rewrite - the issues I had getting this new template in place sealed that deal. That will have to wait at least a few days. It is amazing what exam/assignment procrastination will result in.

So send me your thoughts (via the forum) and hopefully everything will get resolved. If you notice a serious layout issue with a particular browser… let me know.

2:42 AM I have now updated the archive pages and the page pages… the forum is next I guess. But first — sleep. :)

Written by Colin Bate