Colin avatar

I am so done!

I just finished my last exam! And I’ll tell you - it was probably the most poorly formatted exam that I have ever written. The exam was two sheets of paper front and back. While other professors would have had the exact same exam on 6 or 7 sheets, this one was crammed onto two. So that pissed me off the entire time I’m writing the exam - I’m a guy who likes to explain my answers most of the time and having a space the size of two typewritten lines is not sufficient or even adequate for that matter. All told the exam was OK, apart from the bad formatting and irrelevant questions and vague instructions, I’m sure I did fine.

And to compound my absolute pissed state - it was pouring rain when I left the auditorium and I was soaked when I got home - soaked and cold.

Written by Colin Bate