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Have your pancakes server-side.

Hamilton, Bermuda

I’ve bundled a couple of announcements in with the rest of the links this week. I will attempt to do that going forward. Otherwise we have a couple of libraries and a command line tool to help build static sites. As usual, email back if you have any comments or questions.

So some news from the world of Go, version 1.14 was released this week. I haven’t really devoted much time to my Go exploration in 2020, but it is on my list of things to spend time on when I get a chance. But I will continue to keep my eyes open for free/cheap tools in the Go space.

And while I’m at it, TypeScript 3.8 was also released recently. This release has a number of notable features including support for top-level await and private class fields. Definitely check it out if you are using TypeScript.


Reponsive charts. JavaScript optional. A Svelte based charting library which is designed for server-side rendering. Still in active development, but if you are a Svelte user, this looks promising.

serialize-javascript logo or screenshot


Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions and functions. How many times have you wanted to store a data structure in localStorage only to be hampered by what types you can store in it? I’m thinking Maps and Sets primarily, but dates and regular expressions as well will work with this library. Not useful as a data exchange format, but if you want to save something in JavaScript for use later, this library could be a big help.

Sourcebit logo or screenshot


Sourcebit helps developers build data-driven JAMstack sites by pulling data from any third-party resource. This project aims to fill the gap between headless content sources and static site generators. At the moment it only supports two of each, but it is all based on a plugin model, so hopefully we will see others soon.

Written by Colin Bate