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Glengary Crawl

Glengary Apartments had its first pub crawl of the year last night. While the crawl technically started at 7pm, I don’t know if anyone showed up for the Thirsty Duck. Planet Pool was next on the list and I heard that a few people were there for that one. Split Crow was set for 9pm and then to the Argyle for 10. That is when I arrived, along with other people from the 4th floor (and Rage).

I must say that the Argyle sucked while we were there. However, Skratch Bastard was set to perform at 11pm, and even Idris was there. Everyone took off to Pacifico, but three of us remained to take in a bit of Skratch Bastard. However we didn’t stay long as we were the ONLY people in the entire downstairs dance area. Pacifico was on par for all the other times I had been there - which is to say that it is better than most. Then we headed to JJ’s. I had a fun time there, but the upper dance floor (the bad one) was very hot and that was where all my neighbours wanted to be. Needless to say the cool air outside was a welcome relief when we finally made it out. The Dome was supposed to be next, but we would have had to pay to get in (even on a pub crawl) so we just headed home.

I ended up with a donair on the way home and capped off the night in indulgent bliss. That is about it for the pub crawl. I haven’t really done anything today either. Oh well… the Oscars are on soon. :)

Written by Colin Bate