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Feel the uncertainty

FAM, Leganés

I’ve been pretty busy lately with research and writing my thesis and therefore haven’t had much of a chance to a) do anything worth writing about and b) write anything other than sad attempts at piecing together my thesis. But sometimes you just need to take a break, and since I finally feel like I am making some progress and I have reached the logical end of a particular phase of my work, I will take this time to wiggle my finger out of the box in which I have been living.

It was bound to happen, but yet another friend I have made in my adventure is leaving. Julien writes his last exam tomorrow (Tuesday) and flies back to Paris on Wednesday. I guess I have sort of steeled myself against things like this now that people are entering and exiting my life so quickly. It isn’t something that I look forward to, but still I would rather get to know a number of great people from around the world than to live in isolation. Besides, now I have a place to stay if I am ever in the Paris area.

In addition I wanted to mention that you likely won’t hear much from me for the next month or so, for the two reasons I mentioned before. Well, that may not be true. I may be adding a couple of posts this week if all goes well, but as we all know, nothing is for certain. If not, you know why.

Written by Colin Bate