Embracing Simplicity with Micro.blog

Pembroke, Bermuda

Last May I attempted to get back into blogging. It failed.

I’ve been building my own blogging tooling since 2001, and in the past ten or so years, this has meant using a static site generator (Hugo, Eleventy, Astro, etc.). This has been a great option for many of my projects and blogs, but it has its limitations. The main one was that the friction to post was too high. I need to be able to post from my phone. It is possible to get this working, but in general, one thing I discovered was that most headless CMS tools don’t have great mobile content creation support.

I do have a compulsion to implement things myself, but I think I need to ease back into blogging using a third-party tool for the time being. So I’m going to give Micro.blog a try. It is lightweight and seems to meet my needs. I’ve long been a fan of the IndieWeb concept and Micro.blog embraces that as well.

I have definitely added - Creating a Micropub-compatible blog engine on Cloudflare Workers to my future project list. But I am going to tackle that at some point after I run out of steam on my book tracker project. (Yes, I know Micro.blog has some book tracking mechanisms.)

Bottom line, this will still be nominally a development-focused blog, but mostly because I’m a development-focused person. I will also be sharing some of my other interests as well; mainly books/reading, and table-top role-playing games.

AI image of dice and phones on a table

Written by Colin Bate