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That’s right. I’m trying to be a whore and add to my site each instance of the Google Whacking words mentioned on the exchange. That way… I can throw it all off. :P If you aren’t getting the exchange the Google whacking is the challenge to find two words which when searched for together yield exactly one result. However, adding them to my site will mean two results :).

  • frantling episode
  • antiestablishment cranium
  • etc… clearly this isn’t working ;P

clear nightOh and I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I have the current Halifax weather on my site now. I can parse any city in Canada. This will be useful when we do a Halifax page. :P I do however have a tough time believing that the visibility at night is 24km though.


I’m not sure if I told anyone on here, but I dyed my hair last week. Red. Not a Chris, Summer 2001 red, but just a brick color on top of my brown hair. It didn’t turn out as red as the box led me to believe, but I didn’t bother bleaching it and overall I am pleased with the results. I’m going to let it grow out a bit and then cut it again and try bleaching it… see what that looks like. Or whatever… I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

Written by Colin Bate