Colin avatar


Durham, NS, Canada

Coda Panic has done it again. At least they are trying. Introducing Coda, the all-in-one web development center. With their Transmit software being one of, if not the best FTP program for many years, Panic has applied their same amazing skills to develop a product which will take your entire web development workflow and pack it into one neat, sexy package. Combining the same great FTP/synchronization features from Transmit with a text editor, full CSS editor, web preview, Terminal and more, Coda aims to find a niche in an area which is heavily contested.

It is my plan to see if Coda is up to the challenge and can oust me from my routine, with enough force to see me pay the $70 USD price tag for upgrading from Transmit. Currently I’m pretty entrenched with TextMate, Camino and Transmit, but I’m always willing to give something new a try. I will be using it to work on the major revisions I am doing to my other website, along with any odd jobs that I need to do in the next couple of weeks until my trial is over. There are a few things that I like already about it, like the ability to work on my local copy of the site and mark files as requiring publishing. However, if need be, you can edit your remote files directly online. I will discuss the features and other benefits once I have finished with my trial.

Written by Colin Bate