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Call for participation

FAM, Leganés

As everyone knows by reading this site, I am currently in Europe pursuing further post-secondary education. What you likely don’t know is that I will be attending a conference at the end of this month entitled: “Erasmus Mundus Conference on Enhancing Attractiveness of European Higher Education”, which if I refer to in the future will be just the conference. What I need from you oh faithful readers is some input. I would like as many of you as possible to comment on this post, about your personal perceptions of higher education in Europe, or just education in general, anything you can think of that might be relevant.

I try to provide content for you to read on as regular a basis as my schedule allows, and now it is your turn to reverse the flow. With your comments, along with your thoughts or ideas, if you could identify your nationality (if I don’t know you) and your point of view: are you a student somewhere else, are you a student in Europe, are you a parent of students, are you an educator, etc. If you don’t feel comfortable about leaving your comments on here, you can email me. Please send your messages to, or to me in any other way you know how. I will not reveal your name or any details about you to anyone, I simply want to get a feel for the ideas that are floating around. Make it seem like I have some idea about what they are talking about at the conference when they evaluate the value of paying ~€1000 to have me attend.

Thank you all in advance, and I will be sure to detail anything interesting that comes out of the conference for you.

  • Colin
Written by Colin Bate