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Beds and Cats

Saturday night I managed to add a big piece of the puzzle to my room — my bed. It had been resting peacefully in my old apartment and I was left sleeping on an air mattress. However a late night incursion into Glengary was able to liberate the bed and transport it to the Frat house. Many many thanks to my brother Adam for helping me carry the bed through the snow and cold — and just after he got off work too. My room is definitely starting to feel a bit more like home now that I have something to sleep on.

My family has had a cat for about 2 years now and he and I have an interesting relationship. He loves my room — probably because when I’m not there, no one disturbs him and my bed is comfortable. I on the other hand am allergic to him and so on the rare occasion that I visit home, my mom usually goes throught the trouble of washing my bed coverings and then keeping the cat out of my room. And while I do like the cat — I find them quite fascinating — I have to keep him out of my room and I can’t really play with him for very long without consequences. That is the background of my next little episode.

One of my roommates in the new house has a cat. That is fine by me, I won’t bother her and she won’t bother me — hopefully. However, I must attract cats, because whenever I happen to leave my bedroom door open to use the bathroom say, I will invariably come back to find the cat snooping around. A couple of times she must have heard me returning and bolted out of my room and up the stairs where she resides. I’m sure you can imagine that this usually startles the hell out of me. So just last night around 4:20 I guess, I get up to stumble to the bathroom. When I return I collapse onto my bed again and resume sleeping quite quickly. At some point I thought I heard a banging noise, but assumed it was some sort of extraneous house sound and didn’t give it much thought. Then about 30 minutes later I’m awoken by another noise, this time quite obviously coming from nearby and I turn towards my radiator to see — a zombie! the cat!

I had clearly trapped it in there when I returned from the bathroom. Needless to say this brought me out of whatever sleepy haze I was in and headed to the door to open it — assuming that it would take off like it had the other times it was in there. Nope. And what was worse was that I couldn’t even find it anymore. I turned my light on and grabbed my flashlight and searched under my bed and around my couch and closet. Nothing. So after about 5 minutes of searching I was convinced that it couldn’t be in my room anymore and went to close my door — and there she was, peering at me from the hall. I quickly closed the door, somehow thankful that I was too tired to actually go out and harm the cat. The adventure over, I retired back to the comfort of my bed in my newly cat-free room. Nothing eventful happened after that until my alarm went off at 8:00. Oh yes. Cats are wonderful. Conniving bastards.

Written by Colin Bate