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At long last!

Before Christmas, I ordered a scarf. It was free actually, I just had to pay for shipping which was $5. So I was OK with that. This scarf was from Zend. Essentially this company provides the engine behind PHP. So obviously I was kind of excited about the scarf which was in celebration of their 4th year. But it never showed up. I was scared that maybe it arrived during Christmas and went back because I wasn’t around. They did charge my credit card for the shipping, but like I said, it wasn’t a lot and I was going to chalk it up to an unfortunate non-scarf event.

That was until today. When I got home from seeing Club Dread (a really good, funny, gory movie) and I saw a package jammed into my mailbox. It had arrived - it only took two and half months. I thought I’d throw up a photo so you can all bask in just how cool this thing really is - I mean look at it - Zend.

Written by Colin Bate