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Tomorrow is the big day and by that I mean the Apple World Wide Developers Conference in San Franscisco. The event actually takes place all of this next week, but the main feature for me (since I am not attending) is the keynote address which takes place tomorrow. This address is given by Steve Jobs and each year they use this event to release new products and showcase their newest and coolest technology.

This year amoung other things - they always have a lot of surprises - Steve will be showcasing Tiger, the next version of OS X. In the past month Apple released the Airport Express and the new line of G5s so there is a lot of speculation as to what cool things will be unveiled tomorrow. I was able to find some screenshots over at and there are other articles there about what is expected - like the new Cinema Displays which will be released in 20”, 23” and sexy 30” sizes. I read that they will look different than the current displays - sporting the brushed aluminum look of the Powerbooks and the G5s.

That being said, another big Mac event is the MacWorld Expo which takes place in Boston in July. Typically there are cool things released here too. However, I don’t see Jobs on the speaker list so I’m not sure that grand things will come out of it.

Written by Colin Bate